Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Bout of Books, Day 1 progress

      Yesterday was the first day of the Bout of books read-a-thon! I was busy, so I didn't read a whole lot, but I did work on two books. I read about 50 pages and listened to about an hour of an audiobook. I haven't planned what books I want to read this week, because when I do that I don't actually want to read them when the time comes. I'll just read whatever I'm in the mood for, and right now, that would be fairy tales.

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Bout of Books

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Shannon Hale

      Shannon Hale is an author that I really enjoy, since most of her books are fairytale based. She has recently wrote a new book, also based on fairytales, and you can read two free e-books to get a taste of it. At under 10 pages, they are short stories. Shannon also is having her adult book, Austenland (which I haven't read) made into a movie. For more information on that, click on this link to a movie website : http://www.sonyclassics.com/austenland/site/

For more on the book, go here: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/248483.Austenland

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My Reviews ~
Ever After High: Raven Queen's StoryRating: Three Stars

      I read Apple White's Story before I read this one, and this one made more sense. Raven Queen is the daughter of the Evil Queen, and she will soon have to commit herself to becoming the next Evil Queen in the fairy tale. When I read Apple White's Story, I didn't fully understand that in Shannon Hale's fairytale world, the children of the fairytale characters that we know and love will grow up and take their parents places. I found this story interesting, and I look forward to reading more in the series of these short stories.

Ever After High: Apple White's Story Rating: Two Stars
     This was a cute story and I read it within five minutes. It was about Snow White's daughter, Apple, and her excitement to start in a school before starting her own fairytale. In this story it told about how Apple would become a very good Snow White, which confused me a bit. I guess it will make more sense if I read Ever After High: The Storybook of Legends.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon


      The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 19th and runs through Sunday, August 25th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 8.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team

      Wow, I am joining my third reading challenge, I feel accomplished! Bout of Books is a week long read-a-thon taking place August 19th to August 25th. I'm looking forward to participating! You can join, and here is the signup
        I am going to try to read five books in that week, I am going to be rather busy. 
Bout of Books