Goodreads is an amazing website for all book lovers. It is a place where you can keep track of the books you would like to read as well as books that you have read. You can do many more activities on this website, such as enter giveaways, like quotes, and play trivia quizzes.
After creating a Goodreads account, the website will ask you to complete a few optional steps. This includes things such as choosing your favorite genres and rating books. Once officially on Goodreads, you are free to explore the website. When you rate 20 books the website will begin to give you book recommendations based on the books you have read as well as your favorite genres.
If you decide you might like to read a book, you can press the 'Want to Read' button and it will add it to your 'To Read' shelf. You always have the option to delete books from any of your shelves. To access your bookshelves, all you have to do is press a button labeled 'My Books'.
Giveaways, quotes, and quizzes are located underneath the 'Explore' tab. The giveaways are not fake, you will definitely receive your book if you win. I have won a giveaway before and received the book very quickly.
If you choose to friend someone on Goodreads, you are subscribed to all their updates, such as when they add a new book or when they enter a giveaway. Many authors are on Goodreads, and you can become fans of them to subscribe to their blog posts as well as Goodreads updates. You can compare books on your list to books on theirs, and see their ratings compared to yours. You are able to suggest books to authors and friends.
There are so many things to share about this website to share with you, but I will save them for a later post. I definitely suggest it to anyone who is an ardent reader or who enjoys any type of book.
If you have any questions about the website, please comment them and I will do my best to help.
Thanks for the information!