Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Reading Challenge ~ Classic Literature

     This summer I plan on reading a LOT of the classics. Currently, I am reading Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte.  Some of the other classics I plan on reading this summer are Jane Eyre, Dracula, Frankenstein, The Phantom of the Opera, and, if I have time, The Brothers Karamazov
      What are you planning on reading this summer? I challenge all of you to read at least two classic books this summer (It can be one you have already read). If you participate in this challenge, let me know how it went when summer ends!


  1. I'm currently finishing up Mansfield Park by Jane Austen... almost done! It's been good, not too slow. How is Wuthering Heights? I have not tried that one yet...

  2. I'm enjoying it. It isn't told from the point of view I expected from reading the back of the book. I am only 36 pages into it, but I hope to finish it this week. :)

  3. Grace and I are IN! We're planning on reading To Kill a Mockingbird by Harber Lee and if time allows, Of Mice and Men by Steinbeck. Cant wait to hear how everyone enjoys their book choices!

  4. I accept the challenge as well! I think it works perfectly since I want to read my books for the classics club!

    BTW I love your blog background!

  5. This is a great idea! :) Right now I'm reading Pilgrim's Progress and Little Women. I'll definitely get two read this summer. :)

  6. I want to read Little Women and How to Kill a Mockingbird, maybe I'll have to change my list....:)
